We Solve the Challenges of Mining
Burgex Quarterly Highlights
Message From Our Co-Founder/Marketing Director/CEO

Crystal Burgess
I wear a lot of hats! 😉
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to attend several business development classes. These environments offer a diverse mix of participants, ranging from service companies like mine to software developers. Regardless of who I’m conversing with, as soon as I mention my involvement in mineral exploration, I’m always met with the same look of keen interest, and sometimes the question, “We’re still mining?”
It’s truly baffling to encounter highly educated individuals who fail to grasp, or perhaps more accurately, fail to consider the critical role that mining plays in our everyday lives.
With over a decade of experience in this industry, it has become increasingly apparent that the lack of public awareness surrounding mining is detrimental to our future. For too long, the prevailing mindset has been, “Don’t discuss mining, and the environmentalists won’t bother us.” We all know how ineffective that approach has been.
At Burgex, our mission is to “Solve the Challenges of Mining,” whether for our clients or for the broader industry. We are passionate about the transformative potential of mineral exploration and are committed to fostering smart, responsible growth for humanity. A key aspect of this commitment is operating exclusively within environmentally-conscious countries. This is why our business focuses solely on projects in the US, where stringent rules and regulations are in place. While navigating these dynamics can be frustrating at times, we work closely with our clients to ensure compliance and sustainability.
Education is a cornerstone of our work. We strive to educate both our clients and potential clients on how mineral exploration operates in the US. Moreover, we recognize the importance of extending this education to the general public. It may seem daunting, but by sharing our stories with the world—illustrating how mining works, showcasing available careers, and highlighting the safety culture within the industry—we can make a significant impact for those who rely on us to carry out our responsibilities.
Department Highlight

From L to R. Nick Proctor, Savannah Bommarito, Dan Christensen, not pictured Tyler Peck
Our team has recently completed one of our most challenging projects yet: an in-depth market study of construction-aggregate within a broad region. This comprehensive analysis delved deep into the intricacies of the market, examining current players, estimating supply levels, assessing transportation logistics, and analyzing supply dynamics. The project underscores our team’s capability to navigate complex industry landscapes and deliver insightful solutions.
In the News

Counting Cards in the resource sector: Constraints are staking up, but who is still left at the table?
By Chris Guenther
Read full article here
⚒️ Mineralocity: Mining Made Visible ⚒️

If you’re participating in the Early Adopters Program, you’ve likely explored the diverse map layers available to you. Take a look at the geologic maps to visualize geological trends and identify producers operating in those areas. Explore the census map to observe population growth or decline trends. The possibilities are endless when it comes to utilizing the map – how do you use Mineralocity?
Come See Us

Catch us at:
- PDAC: Booth 6922N
- AGG1: Booth 1106 (Don’t miss our presentation on Revolutionizing Market Analysis with GIS Data!)
Who’s going to PDAC ?!
Join us for a cup of coffee, a cold beer, or simply swing by our booth for a chat!
Look out for Stuart Burgess, Jenny Deems, Crystal Burgess, and Bruno Hegner at the show.
Drop by our booth to discuss all things mining, or better yet, schedule a one-on-one meeting in advance!
Something Fun