If you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting someone who runs a budding junior...
What are locatable, leasable and saleable minerals?
Written by: Bruno Hegner The General Mining Law of 1872 allows an individual...
Claim Staking and Filing Process
Below is a quick outline of what happens when you trust Burgex to stake your...
The Future of Drone Technology in Mineral Exploration
The future of drones in mineral exploration looks promising and is expected to...
Proposed BLM Public Lands Rule Town Hall
Join Us Friday, August 11th, 1pm MDT Join Burgex Mining Consultants for a...
Drones in Mineral Exploration
The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or "drone" industry is evolving rapidly,...
AEMA: BLM’s Proposed Conservation Rule: Vague, Counterproductive, Illegal
This article was written by Mark Compton, Executive Director and Sid Smith...
Digging Up the Past, Reprocessing Mine Tailings
By: Bianca Gallina, Staff Geologist With a growing global population, the...
Buzzwords of the Mining Industry, A Note From Our Senior Geologist, James Balagna
Buzzwords, talking points, and catchphrases have invaded the mineral...
Why Project Management for Mineral Exploration is Important & What Project Management Does
By: James Balagna, Senior Geologist at Burgex Inc. As the Senior...