Jan 28, 2023 | Mine Consulting, Mine Valuation, Mining Resources|News, News
By: Stuart Burgess Today I virtually sat down with one of the leading artificial intelligence (AI) platforms that is trained specifically in language models –you can interact with it conversationally. This platform, which became virally popular shortly after launch...
Jan 17, 2023 | Mine Consulting, Mine Planning, Mine Valuation, Mining Resources|News
The increasing demand for critical minerals and minerals used for electrification presents a significant opportunity for prospectors and mineral exploration companies. However, successfully navigating this opportunity requires a strategic approach that considers the...
Dec 27, 2021 | Mine Consulting, Mine Planning
The Four Critical Steps of Mining Consultants Mining remains a mystery for many people due to an understandable lack of awareness about how much society’s structure results from successful mining. When you decide to start a mining project, it will initially seem...
Dec 27, 2021 | Mine Planning, Mining Resources|News
5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration is an essential tool to discover deposits of minerals and rocks useful to meet society’s resource needs. This process works by extracting geological information from several places and using it...
Dec 17, 2021 | Mining Resources|News
Copper Copper (Cu) as a minable resource led to key technological developments of human civilization since the end of the Stone Age. Today, copper exploration, production, and technology remain key ingredients in our society. Anticipated demand for copper will only...