Mining News

Notice: Update on Federal Mining Claim Fees

July 16, 2024


BLM Fee Increase 2024

Effective July 1, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will increase annual claim maintenance fees from $165 to $200, and the location fee will rise from $40 to $49.

New Fee Schedule:

  • New claims located after September 1, 2024: $274 per claim.
  • Maintenance Fee: $200 (an increase of $35)
  • Location Fee: $49 (an increase of $9)
  • Processing Fee: $25

This fee increase affects anyone who holds federal mining claims, including lode, placer, mill sites, and tunnel sites. If you have already paid your maintenance fees, you must submit the additional amount to reflect the increase.

Once fees are paid, you must file a Notice of Intent to Hold (NOITH) with the appropriate county or counties where your claim is located. If your claim spans the boundaries of two counties, you should file a NOITH in both counties.

For claims located in the State of California, you are required to perform annual claim maintenance. This involves verifying that your claim post boundaries are in place and standing. After verification, you must file an affidavit with the county.

Remember: September 1st is the deadline for all claim maintenance fees, with no grace period. Failing to pay means starting the locating and filing process over, as no mineral rights are carried over.

If your claims aren’t covered with Claim Guard- now is a good time to get enrolled. Send us an inquiry and get your claims guarded.