Nevada Mining Claims: Infographic

nevada mining claims infographic
Nevada is the U.S. leader in metals mining.
Did you know that more than half of all of the mining claims in the United States are located in Nevada? Not only are the most claims located in Nevada, but it is also where the most exploration and mining notices and plans are filed. Here are some other amazing facts about mining in Nevada:
  • If Nevada were its own country, it would rank #4 in the world for gold production!
  • The Nevada mining gross domestic product (GDP) is 6.4 billion dollars.
  • In 2013 Nevada produced 169 metric tons of gold and 269.6 metric tons of silver.
  • Nevada employs 13,300 people in the natural resources and mining industry with 10,700 of these people involved in metal ore mining.
  • Nevada is home to 2,230 vendors who provide services to the mining industry.
  • There are 116 active mines in Nevada and hundreds of active exploration projects.
  • Nevada is one of the most mining friendly states in the U.S.
  • Known as the Silver State, Nevada has been a major producer of precious metals since the 1860’s when the Comstock Lode went into production.
  • Nevada mining claims account for over half of active claims in the U.S. 
  • If you want to learn more about mining in Nevada, check out the Nevada Mining Association. 
Once #3 in global gold production, mining and exploration in Nevada has slowed over the past couple of years. As the global commodities market recovers, it will drive renewed exploration efforts in the state that will result in new discoveries and more producing mines. We expect that Nevada will remain a global mining powerhouse for a very long time. 
Burgex Inc. has a vast experience staking Nevada mining claims, both placer and lode. We have participated in drafting successful notices, mining plans, and in staking large blocks of Nevada mining claims that have later turned into successful projects. If you are interested in having us stake your project, contact us for a free estimate!