See us at AGG1 March 25-27th, Booth 1106



federal mining claims

Understanding Federal Mining Claims

What are Federal Mining Claims? Federal mining claims are parcels of land on federal land, where an individual or entity has declared the right to extract valuable minerals. These claims are regulated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and are subject to federal laws, specifically the General Mining Law of 1872. Federal mining claims can be either lode claims (covering veins or lodes of mineral deposits) or placer claims

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BLM Fee Increase 2024

Notice: Update on Federal Mining Claim Fees

Effective July 1, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will increase annual claim maintenance fees from $165 to $200, and the location fee will rise from $40 to $49. New Fee Schedule: This fee increase affects anyone who holds federal mining claims, including lode, placer, mill sites, and tunnel sites. If you have already paid your maintenance fees, you must submit the additional amount to reflect the increase. Once

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miner looks out over a field of common construction aggregates

Common Construction Aggregates and Their Uses

Construction aggregates are like the building blocks of the infrastructure around us. Common construction aggregates are typically loose materials that, when bound with a binder like cement or asphalt, become essential components in various construction projects. Here’s a breakdown of some common construction aggregates types/sizes and their uses: #1 Stone Description: Largest size stone, usually ranging from 2 to 4 inches. Uses: Used for heavy-duty applications, such as large drainage

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commodity flowchart

What are locatable, leasable and saleable minerals?

Written by: Bruno Hegner The General Mining Law of 1872 allows an individual to locate mining claims on land owned by the Federal government. The interest is “self-initiated”; no act of the Federal government is necessary to establish the right. The locator has a valid interest in such land, as long as Although the Bureau of Land Management may challenge the validity of a mining claim for failure to comply

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U.S. Uranium Exploration is Heating Up

Article written by: Graham Peterson and Bianca Gallina Once a hotbed for uranium mining during the mid-20th century, the western United States is experiencing a notable resurgence in uranium exploration. As the world grapples with the challenges of transitioning to a low-carbon future, uranium’s role in nuclear energy cannot be overlooked. History: The United States has a rich history of uranium mining.  Exploration activity peaked during the 1940s and 1950s

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Claim Staking and Filing Process

Below is a quick outline of what happens when you trust Burgex to stake your mining claims, along with answers to some common questions we get regarding the staking & filing process and their timelines. Q: When will you start my project? A: Once we have received your project deposit and area of interest (AOI), we will schedule the staking and create a claim block based on the areas that

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The Essential Role of Aggregate Consultants

In the world of construction aggregates, the right guidance is not just a benefit—it’s a necessity. Aggregate consultants play a pivotal role in the life cycle of quarries, from exploration to expansion and especially during mergers and acquisitions. This article delves into why seeking routine outside counsel from aggregate consultants is crucial for quarry operations and how Burgex Mining Consultants leverage their proprietary GIS tool, Mineralocity Aggregates, to provide unparalleled

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The Correlation Between Market Share and State Production and Size in the Construction Aggregate Industry

The construction aggregate industry is the unsung hero of the building world, playing a vital role in the production of everything from roads to skyscrapers. Despite its foundational importance, the industry is often misunderstood or overlooked by those outside it. One of the most intriguing aspects of the construction aggregate industry is the way market share and state production interact. While state production figures provide us with an idea of

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Discussion on the Bureau of Land Management’s Public Lands Rule and Its Impacts

Summary: Burgex hosts the discussion regarding the Bureau of Land Management Public Lands Rule and the impacts it will have on the use of public lands in the future. This proposed ruling would have an effect on all resource industries, as well as recreational activities. Anyone who uses the United State’s public lands should be considered about what could happen to the use of these lands and resources in the

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Common Sense Sustainable Development: Advancing Toward a Sustainable Future

In today’s world, sustainability has become an overly politicized topic, often leaving us divided into opposing camps, either for or against it. However, at its core, sustainability is simply common sense – a collective effort to secure a better future for generations to come. As the CEO of Burgex Mining Consultants, I am committed to promoting responsible mineral exploration, extraction, and processing while highlighting the opportunities it presents for a

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drone technology

The Future of Drone Technology in Mineral Exploration

The future of drones in mineral exploration looks promising and is expected to continue evolving rapidly. Here are some key aspects of the future of drones in mineral exploration: Advanced Sensing Technologies: As technology continues to advance, drones will likely be equipped with more advanced sensing technologies. This includes the development of lightweight hyperspectral sensors and improved compact LiDAR capabilities, allowing drones to capture even more detailed and precise data

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My Personal Connection with Mining

I have had a personal connection with the mining industry for some time now. Growing up in Utah, the Bingham Canyon Mine was always a part of my landscape. I remember looking down into the pit and thinking, “Wow, that’s a long way down.” My dad worked as an analytical chemist for Phelps Dodge, later Freeport-McMorran, in Safford, Arizona, from 1996 until his retirement in 2021. When traveling through Arizona,

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Proposed BLM Public Lands Rule Town Hall

Join Us Friday, August 11th, 1pm MDT Join Burgex Mining Consultants for a pivotal Mining Industry Town Hall discussion on the proposed BLM Rule Change. This session seeks to enlighten our clients, prospective clients, and all stakeholders in the mining industry about the potential impacts of this change. We’re honored to feature insights from U.S. Congressman John Curtis and Mark Compton, Executive Director of the American Exploration & Mining Association

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Drones in Mineral Exploration

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or “drone” industry is evolving rapidly, offering incredible potential to transform the mining industry. Drones have become a game-changer for mining companies, providing cost-effective and safer ways to map deposit sites, explore vast tracts of rugged terrain for minerals, monitor stockpiles, and track equipment. With advancements in payload technology and the adoption of high-resolution sensors, drones are reshaping the mining sector by offering efficiency and

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American Exploration and Mining Association

AEMA: BLM’s Proposed Conservation Rule: Vague, Counterproductive, Illegal

This article was written by Mark Compton, Executive Director and Sid Smith Government Affairs Manager from American Exploration and Mining Association After nearly 50 years of responding to the directives of the Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) for administering public lands, BLM has had a revelation that adds conservation to the multiple uses enumerated in Section 102(a) of the statute. The proposed rule focuses on three conservation

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Mineralocity map of all commercial mines in the United States.

Mineralocity: Revolutionizing the U.S. Mining Industry with Comprehensive Visualization

June 2, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the U.S. mining industry as Burgex Inc. unveiled an innovative, game-changing platform – Mineralocity. Aiming to reshape the landscape of the industry, Mineralocity presents a comprehensive, verified, and visually searchable map of all commercial mines in the United States. Developed in direct response to the growing national focus on the revitalization of infrastructure and the burgeoning green economy, Mineralocity delivers a level

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Claim Guard

What is Claim Guard, and Why Does Your Exploration Company Need it?

Claim Guard, an exclusive service provided by Burgex, was developed in response to the growing need of clients to protect their mining assets. But what exactly is Claim Guard? It is a comprehensive mining claim renewal process that takes care of all the necessary steps to renew your mining claims with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the respective counties where your claims are located. As many mining claim

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Rugged mineral exploration prospector merged with an image of desolate mountains

Exploration is a Wicked Mistress: A Light-Hearted Look at Mineral Exploration in the United States

By Stuart Burgess Mineral exploration, it’s been said, is a lot like dating. It’s a wicked mistress that leads you on with hints of riches, tantalizingly dangles the prospect of the next big find in front of you, only to leave you, more often than not, nursing a broken wallet and a bruised ego. Yes, mineral exploration in the United States can be a harrowing, unforgiving venture – but oh,

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Repurposing mine tailings for better uses

Digging Up the Past, Reprocessing Mine Tailings

By: Bianca Gallina, Staff Geologist With a growing global population, the demand for material resources is exponential. Copper, gold, lithium, cobalt, and rare earth elements (REEs) are some of the popular resources being extracted faster than ever before for everyday items like batteries and electronics. What many people don’t realize is how much earth is moved to get these critical minerals out of the ground. After the valuable minerals are

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A young boy looks out over a grassy field with a modern futuristic mining structure in the background.

Pioneering a Sustainable Future: My Personal Journey and Vision for Burgex Mining Consultants

Introduction The pursuit of a sustainable future has been a lifelong passion of mine. As a child, I was captivated by nature and how humanity could advance while preserving what we have been given. As the years passed, my fascination with geology, mineral resources, and the role they play in our lives deepened. It was this passion that ultimately started me on my journey towards leading Burgex Mining Consultants. A

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Burgex attends ConAGG 2023 to show off our new Mineralocity Aggregates platform.

CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023: Burgex Unveils Mineralocity Aggregates Platform Amid Groundbreaking Industry Innovations

Last week, the Burgex team attended the highly anticipated CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023 trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada, where we proudly represented our new Mineralocity Aggregates platform. This revolutionary tool offers market intelligence and land research services to the construction aggregates industry across the United States, providing invaluable insights for both market analysis and land research. CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2023 exceeded all expectations, attracting over 139,000 construction and fluid power professionals from 133

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Buzzwords of the Mining Industry, A Note From Our Senior Geologist, James Balagna

Buzzwords, talking points, and catchphrases have invaded the mineral exploration space, especially pertaining to batteries and clean energy. The lists are long and include a lot of overlap. Battery metals overlap with wind and solar, which overlaps with critical minerals, just to name a few. What do these buzzwords and catchphrases actually mean in an exploration and mining context? A shallow dive into this topic will look at minerals, with

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Burgex Team Enjoyed SME MINEXCHANGE in Denver

The SME MINEXCHANGE was a lively event with numerous exhibitors and a robust turnout. The Burgex Team capitalized on their time at the event by attending several technical sessions, social gatherings, and serving as an Innovator Sponsor. Over 7,000 people attended the conference, and Burgex handed out over 400 black toy trucks. During the event, several team members from Burgex attended talks on a variety of topics, including brownfield, greenfield,

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Entryway for the AME Roundup mineral exploration conference in Vancouver Canada.

The Burgex Team Wraps up Another Successful AME Roundup

The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) held its annual Roundup conference in Vancouver, BC in 2023, which was attended by over 5,800 delegates from 39 countries. The event featured an exhibition hall with over 300 different entities showcasing their booths. Burgex Mining Consultants were proud to participate as sponsors and exhibitors at the event. The company looks forward to this annual pilgrimage to AME Roundup. The Burgex team was led

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An AI generated image about the use of AI in mining.

Revolutionizing the Mining Industry: How AI is Transforming Exploration, Operations, and Reclamation

By: Stuart Burgess  Today I virtually sat down with one of the leading artificial intelligence (AI) platforms that is trained specifically in language models –you can interact with it conversationally. This platform, which became virally popular shortly after launch in late 2022 is known as Chat GPT. While there is a lot of speculation about what jobs AI is likely to replace (even the AI itself has opinions on this),

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The increasing demand for critical minerals and minerals used for electrification presents a significant opportunity for prospectors and mineral exploration companies.

Maximizing Success with Critical Minerals: A Guide for Mineral Exploration Companies

The increasing demand for critical minerals and minerals used for electrification presents a significant opportunity for prospectors and mineral exploration companies. However, successfully navigating this opportunity requires a strategic approach that considers the unique challenges and opportunities of the industry. In this article, we will explore the steps that prospectors and mineral exploration companies can take to set themselves up for success with the coming demand for critical minerals and

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Screenshot of Mineralocity Aggregates platform utilizing Dodge Construction Networks dataset.

Dodge Construction Network’s Dataset now Integrated With Mineralocity Aggregates

Mineralocity Aggregates is excited to announce a new strategic partnership with Dodge Construction Network, the leading provider of construction market intelligence. This partnership allows us to provide our customers with valuable insights into future construction aggregate demand. The dataset includes location-based information on where construction dollars will be spent and where aggregate demand is heading. This type of information is essential for businesses in the construction aggregates industry as it

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Why our Clients Choose Burgex for their Construction Aggregate Mineral Market Analysis and Valuation Reports

After the drills have stopped turning and sample materials have returned from the lab with encouraging results, what is next? For some commodities, such as precious metal, this may only be the beginning of many more stages of drilling and testing. For other commodities, such as construction aggregates, it may be time to consider looking into those key economic and market factors that are critical for turning resources into reserves

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A Little History of Burgex

By: Crystal Burgess, Cofounder of Burgex You may have seen our three credos on the Burgex website: Qualified – Experienced – Honest. Here is a little insight into why we picked those three qualities for our company. Burgex began in 2010 as Burgess Exploration (founded by Stuart and Crystal Burgess) because we wanted to experience the freedom of working for ourselves. It was not an easy task, as our only

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BLM: MLRS Redaction Notice

By: Crystal Burgess, Cofounder of Burgex As your landman experts, it is our job to keep you informed as much as possible when things have changed regarding your mineral interests. We’re informing you of some recent changes the BLM has made to its online database. As some of you may have noticed, the MLRS has been offline for several months now due to “maintenance”. It was only announced recently what

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Why Project Management for Mineral Exploration is Important & What Project Management Does

By: James Balagna, Senior Geologist at Burgex Inc. As the Senior Geologist for Burgex Mining Consultants I often get questions on how project management works and what does it mean for mineral exploration. Project Management is an important role of the mineral exploration process and a good project management team has experience in all phases of the process. The skilled team at Burgex has significant combined professional experience in land acquisition, geochemical

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Mineralocity Aggregates November NEWSLETTER

Message from the Burgex CEO, Chris Summers We started with WHY. According to Simon Sinek, a prominent American author and inspirational speaker, most people and organizations say, “WHAT we do, we sometimes say HOW we do it, but we rarely say WHY we do WHAT we do.” At Burgex, we developed Mineralocity Aggregates with our WHY always being top of mind. In fact, we didn’t fully understand WHAT we wanted

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Mineralocity Aggregates October Newsletter

Mineralocity Aggregates, Burgex and the Resource Sector  By: Chris Guenther, Director of Finance Burgex Inc. Why resources? We provide expertise and clarity that help our clients discover and expand their mineral resource projects. This sector is the lifeblood, the oxygen for all of modern civilization. There is no technology, no infrastructure, no powered transportation, no communications or advancement without resources. What Mineralocity Aggregates and Burgex provide is vital for human

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Mineralocity Aggregates September Newsletter

Mineralocity Aggregates September Newsletter New Pricing Options & UpdatesMineralocity Aggregates is more than Market Intelligence Made Simple; it’s human intelligence, too. Always working with customers and industry experts, we have refined our pricing structure and opened up new payment options. We now offer a truly free seven-day trial with no commitment necessary. We want you to try the platform, get to know all of the features, see what it can do, learn

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WHAT IS MINERALOCITY AGGREGATES – A SIMPLE BREAKDOWN OF THE CORE DATASETS AND THEIR USES BY: STUART BURGESS I’ll be candid – I’ve written a lot about Mineralocity Aggregates over the last six months, but I recently found out from an industry colleague that much of what I’ve written is overly technical or doesn’t adequately explain WHAT Mineralocity Aggregates is and how it can be used by those in and

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Using Mineralocity Aggregates to Address NIMBY Concerns: Parleys Canyon, Utah

Using Mineralocity Aggregates to Address NIMBY Concerns: Parleys Canyon, Utah BY: STUART BURGESS Last week I had lunch with an individual who is involved in exploring the potential of developing a construction aggregate quarry in Parleys Canyon, just outside of Salt Lake City. As with most quarries in the United States, the proposal is facing stiff opposition from the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) crowd. Our discussion focused on the

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Mineralocity Aggregates August Newsletter

Mineralocity Aggregates August Newsletter A Message From Our CEO This summer marks one of the most gratifying moments in my 40-year career. I’ve been involved with a lot of teams that have come together to do amazing things, and the launch of Mineralocity Aggregates ranks among the top achievements of any team I have worked with or led. To me, it’s more than simply developing the application, it is about

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Exploration: Drilling

Exploration: Drilling Exploration: Drilling Written By: Jake Alexander In a mineral exploration project, a key step to evaluating resource potential is the development of a well-planned and expertly executed drilling program. Drilling encompasses a large variety of tools and specialized technology to explore through surficial material, bedrock, and hopefully, your target zone. Exploration via drilling techniques is expensive and financially risky, yet to enable your team to appropriately evaluate the potential resource

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Generative Exploration – Soil Sampling

Generative Exploration – Soil Sampling By: Jake Alexander Introduction Claims have been staked, fees to the county and the Bureau of Land Management have been paid, and now you and your company are excited to prove up the mineral property. According to U.S. federal law you must “prove” a mineral prospect to have a valid claim. In other countries, such as Australia, exploration must be performed annually to maintain valid

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Rising Demand for Domestic Minerals Creates Perfect Storm for Burgex Inc.

Rising Demand for Domestic Minerals creates Perfect Storm for Burgex Inc. Inflation, war, volatility, and uncertainty – these are the current topics of discussion from the White House to your local barbershop. The 2020s are certainly shaping up to be a decade of change, both on a micro and macro level. Changes are occurring that will impact everything from consumer habits to the way that supply chains are created and

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Huge Milestone Achieved as Mineralocity Aggregates Supply and Demand Market Analysis Completed for Entire United States

Huge Milestone Achieved as Mineralocity Aggregates Supply and Demand Market Analysis Completed for Entire United States A major milestone was achieved this week as the Burgex Inc. Mineralocity Aggregates Team was able to complete a high-resolution visual mapping of estimated construction aggregate supply and demand analysis across the entire United States. This analysis was completed using tens of millions of individual supply and demand datapoints to create an interactive raster

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2021 Burgex Year in Review

2021 Burgex Year in Review What a year 2021 has been!  We have been very busy all year at Burgex enhancing our services, adding new equipment, and rounding out our team. 2021 has been a year of growth with a strong focus on better understanding our clients’ needs so we can continue to serve them beyond claim staking and early exploration.  We Built a Geology Department  With the addition of

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The Four Critical Steps of Mining Consultants

The Four Critical Steps of Mining Consultants Mining remains a mystery for many people due to an understandable lack of awareness about how much society’s structure results from successful mining. When you decide to start a mining project, it will initially seem overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help you. Working with a mining consultant is the first step to bringing your vision to life. Mining is an essential part

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5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration

5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration is an essential tool to discover deposits of minerals and rocks useful to meet society’s resource needs. This process works by extracting geological information from several places and using it over the larger area to create a geological picture. Mineral exploration has brought about significant economic opportunities such as jobs, contracts for planes and helicopters to those mines and

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Copper Copper (Cu) as a minable resource led to key technological developments of human civilization since the end of the Stone Age. Today, copper exploration, production, and technology remain key ingredients in our society. Anticipated demand for copper will only increase over the next decade as innovations developed with this extremely useful metal have become ubiquitous in telecommunications, space-age battery technology, and key infrastructure projects across the globe. The Copper

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Four Key Takeaways from Mines & Money London 2021

Four Key Takeaways from Mines & Money London 2021 Crystal Burgess and Stuart Burgess from Burgex Mining Consultants were recently delegates at the Mines & Money London 2021 conference. As Europe’s largest mining investment event, Mines & Money London is an excellent place to get a pulse on the leading edge of mining investment in what has traditionally been one of the largest capital cities of mining finance. ESG is

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Burgex Mining Consultants Adds High Accuracy LIDAR Mapping Capabilities to Range of Services

Burgex Mining Consultants Adds High Accuracy LIDAR Mapping Capabilities to Range of Services With the addition of the ExynPak from Exyn Technologies to our fleet of advanced mining and mineral exploration solutions, Burgex Inc. Mining Consultants now has in-house capabilities to provide a high-accuracy mapping of surface and underground mine workings. With a gimballed Velodyne LIDAR sensor and the ability to provide real-type 3D mapping with survey-grade accuracy, the ExynPak

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How Mineralocity Aggregates Is a GameChanger

How Mineralocity Aggregates Is a GameChanger Geographical information systems (or GIS) are revolutionizing how the modern world visualizes, consumes, and uses market information, especially for mineral market analysis studies. Not all markets are entirely geographically based, but virtually all of them have some sort of geographic tie. Video streaming services, for example, can be utilized anywhere in the world with internet access and a VPN perhaps – but determining locations

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Introducing Mineralocity Aggregates -The New Flagship Mineral Market Analysis Tool

Introducing Mineralocity Aggregates -The New Flagship Mineral Market Analysis Tool The mining analysis team at Burgex has been hard at work over the past several years developing internal tools and systems for conducting complex market analysis studies of mineral commodities. One of the top priorities for the team has been creating a national geographical information system for dynamically analyzing construction aggregate supply and demand trends. What began as a linear

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Why Engage With a Mining Consultant?

Why Engage With a Mining Consultant? Mining remains a mystery for many people due to an understandable lack of awareness about how much society’s structure results from successful mining. When you decide to start a mining project, it will initially seem overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help you. Working with a mining consultant is the first step to bringing your mining or mineral exploration vision to life. Mining is

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Improving Mineral Exploration

Improving Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration is far from easy, in fact, it is probably one of the hardest segments of the mining industry to participate in. The success rates are low, so low in fact, that for some mineral commodities (like gold) it is estimated that approximately 1 in 1,000 prospects ever becomes a commercially producing mine (at best). Those aren’t very good odds. Expanding that statistic out further, we

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How I Became a Mining Consultant

How I Became a Mining Consultant While traveling around mineral exploration/mining trade shows or participating in conference calls with new clients, I am often asked how I got into the business of being a mining consultant. It is generally assumed that mining must be in my family, as mining tends to be a generational business or one that gets into your blood and stays for a long time. Being a

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5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration

5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration is an essential tool to discover deposits of minerals and rocks useful to meet society’s growing resource needs. This process works by extracting geological information from regionally and locally and using it over a targeted area to create a geological picture. Mineral exploration has brought about significant economic opportunities such as jobs, drilling contractors, geophysicists, geologists, engineers, and others

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Dimension Stone

Dimension Stone Consider the last time you were at a dinner party, a fancy restaurant, or in a swanky, downtown hotel lobby. You may remember the conversation, the beverages, or the meal, or possibly the golden ding of the receptionist bell. Perhaps you even noticed the highly polished stone that adorned the bar, the walls, or the floor. The qualities that catch the eye, such as color and texture, are

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MINExpo 2021: A Burgex Success!

MINExpo 2021: A Burgex Success! The Burgex Mining Consultants team is pleased to announce that the 2021 MINExpo in Las Vegas, Nevada was a success. The show was less attended than usual due to international COVID travel restrictions. However, we found the connections and conversations to be meaningful and worthwhile.  As the MINExpo focuses on the entire mining industry, we found that there wasn’t a lot of specific focus on

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How are mining and mineral exploration projects valued?

How are mining and mineral exploration projects valued? Today I had an appraiser come to my house to take pictures and measurements. His appraisal will be relied upon by the mortgage company when they underwrite my refinance. This appraisal is important to the mortgage company. It gives them confidence that the value of my home is worth more than the money they are lending. This is one of the key

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5 Common Mistakes Made With Mining Claims

5 Common Mistakes Made With Mining Claims 1. Misunderstanding Maintenance Fees and the September 1st BLM Due Date September 1st is the most important date to remember for mining claims – this is the date when maintenance fees are due. This is a hard deadline.  There is NO GRACE PERIOD for claims that miss the September 1st deadline All claim maintenance payments need to be made or postmarked prior to

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Cobalt: A Resurging Commodity

Cobalt: A Resurging Commodity Cobalt is en vogue in mineral exploration because of its position as a strategic resource. The increased global demand for battery-powered electric vehicles (BEV) has been reflected in the price surge in the market for all battery minerals, especially cobalt. As a principal component of BEVs, exploration for cobalt deposits is critical for continued progress in a green-energy transition and in the interest of national security.

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Join Us at The 2021 MINExpo

Join Us at The 2021 MINExpo We are very excited to announce that Burgex Mining Consultants will be attending the 2021 MINExpo in Las Vegas, Nevada from September 13-15th. In addition to attending the show, we will also have a booth: #26122. Opportunities for entertainment and one-on-one consultations with the Burgex leadership team will also be available for existing and new clients.  The 2021 MINExpo is anticipated to have over

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The Importance of Mine Planning

The Importance of Mine Planning Starting a mining project is no small task. It requires strategic planning, preparing, and execution – but why? Having a strategic mine plan set into place is key to establishing your project’s economic and technical direction. Your strategy should encompass economic, environmental, and social aspects and strive for success in all areas. Unfortunately, many times mine planning gets overlooked or undervalued with smaller projects. However,

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Is There Gold in Those Hills?

Is There Gold in Those Hills? The search for precious metals, specifically gold (Au), has a storied history. Early cultures produced fashionable objects known for their beautiful designs incorporating gold. Throughout human history, technology has been at the forefront of the discovery, evaluation, and production of gold from the Earth’s crust. Most recently, the price of gold has approached $2100/oz. The exploration of gold throughout the world has been renewed

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How Mining Consultants Deliver Value – From Exploration Through Operations

How Mining Consultants Deliver Value – From Exploration Through Operations In the modern world of consolidated mining operations, ultra-specialization, and environmental engagement, it is no surprise there is a limited amount of knowledge available in the public realm about modern mineral exploration and mining activities. Even within the various specializations of mining, there seems to be an overall lack of broad applicable knowledge and experience that holistically spans the life

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Exploration Risk Analysis

Exploration Risk Analysis Mineral exploration is the process of searching for evidence of mineralization hosted in the surrounding rocks. The general principle works by extracting pieces of geological information from several places and extrapolating this over the larger area to develop a geological picture. Exploration works in stages of increasing sophistication, with cheap, cruder methods implemented at the start, and if the resultant information is economically interesting, this warrants the

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Burgex Expands Geological Services and Enhances Client Experience with New Staff Additions

Burgex Expands Geological Services and Enhances Client Experience with New Staff Additions Burgex Mining Consultants is excited to announce the addition of two new full-time Consulting Geologists and a new Director of Sales and Business Development to our talented team. James Balagna James Balagna, III, CPG has joined the Burgex Mining Consultants team as a Senior Consulting Geologist. Mr. Balagna has an extensive career spanning decades conducting processes such as

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Southeastern Aggregate Production Map

Southeastern Aggregate Production Map As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our mineral market analysis, mining consulting, and exploration services, the Geographic Information System (GIS) team at Burgex Mining Consultants has been busy developing a comprehensive interactive geospatial model of construction aggregate supply and demand in the Southeastern United States. Likewise, Burgex has built a team of experts with a demonstrated knowledge of various visualization and analytic software. This

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A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Drone Use

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Drone Use Drone technology isn’t new, but the applications constantly change on where they can be used and how.The first unmanned aerial vehicles developed in Britain and the USA during the First World War: Britain’s Aerial Target and the USA’s aerial torpedo known as the Kettering Bug. These pilotless vehicles were actual aircraft with no onboard passengers that were radio-controlled. The purpose of these initial drones

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Geochemically Evaluating Your Claim: Mobile Metal Ions

Geochemically Evaluating Your Claim: Mobile Metal Ions So, you have identified a parcel of land and are heading out to stake your claim. Awesome work prospector! Now, whether your claim is informed by historic production or perhaps you have a hunch on what lies underfoot, you most likely want to investigate what precious metals, base metals, and other minerals you now have the rights to in your placer or lode

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How to Stake a Mining Claim

How to Stake a Mining Claim Congratulations, Prospector! You found a piece of land worth claiming. But do you know how to properly stake a mining claim? When claim staking a federal mining claim on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or Forest Service lands, there are a couple of key steps you must take to ensure your claim will be valid. The Claim Staking Process Here are 8 simplified

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4 Tips for Using a Portable XRF Analyzer

4 Tips for Using a Portable XRF Analyzer At first blush, the portable XRF analyzer seems like a magical field tool for prospecting and conducting mineral exploration. While this can be somewhat true in the investigation of certain mineral commodities (in conjunction with proper sample preparation and procedure), there are other situations in which the XRF is less useful directly but can still provide great value with some knowledge and

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2021 Aggregate Production Forecast

2021 Aggregate Production Forecast With 2020 in the rearview mirror, most of us are looking ahead to the promise of a new year. Covid-19 left its mark on every industry worldwide, and the construction aggregates industry was no exception. This industry takes into its scope crushed stone and construction sand and gravel. While the industry was certainly impacted due to financing, budget short-falls, or market pressure, anecdotal data from state

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3 Things You Need to Know About BLM’s New Mineral and Land Record System

3 Things You Need to Know About BLM’s New Mineral and Land Record System Burgex has marked our calendars on the 25th of January this year, and we hope you have too, as big changes are coming to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is revolutionizing the way mining claims are filed and managed, as well as creating a tool for conducting land record

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Carlson Software

Carlson Software The Carlson add-on to the Autodesk AutoCAD software is a powerful tool in the mine planning and mine design portion of mine engineering for a site. Burgex utilizes several modules of the Carlson software when evaluating current and future mine/quarry locations. The process can vary from site to site as location circumstances change and the level of information given or needed varies greatly. Sometimes it is only necessary

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4 Reasons to Hire a Mining Consultant

4 Reasons to Hire a Mining Consultant When hiring a mining consultant, it is essential to consider your project goals as you research and educate yourself about the company you select to complete it. At Burgex, we will guide you in every step to ensure you have the proper plan in place for your project. We tailor our services to fit your needs and make sure your project runs smoothly

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An Overview of GIS Mapping & Mining

An Overview of GIS Mapping & Mining GIS has one purpose: To quickly and easily answer questions about your data related to location. A geographic information system (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data. It analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visual content. With this unique capability, GIS mapping reveals deeper insights into data, helping users make smarter decisions. This data can analyze a subject to determine the location, amount, density, and change. Now that you know

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Claim Guard – A great new service for the 2021 Filing Season

Claim Guard – A great new service for the 2021 Filing Season Claim Guard is a full-service program that ensures your investment is properly filed, maintained, and monitored each year, from the County level to the BLM. Simply pay once a year and Burgex will do the rest. Who oversees annual claim maintenance filings for your mining claims? Is it a staff Geologist? A law firm perhaps? Or are you

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Mining Engineering Services by Burgex Inc.

Mining Engineering Services by Burgex Inc. Burgex Inc. is pleased to announce that we offer in-house mining engineering services! Utilizing the latest in mine engineering software and technology, including UAV use for data collection, the Burgex Engineering and Consulting team is well suited for taking on a variety of mine engineering projects. From mine planning, to overburden stockpile design, cost modelling, strip ratios, and equipment cycles, we can offer a

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Burgex Participating in 2020 Utah Governor-led trade mission to Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.

Burgex Participating in 2020 Utah Governor-led trade mission to Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. The Burgex team is excited to announce that we will be participating in the World Trade Center Utah and Governor’s Office of Economic Development trade mission to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in April of 2020. On this trade mission, we will be engaging with high-level business and investment leaders, receive market briefings by

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Burgex Inc. is an Exhibitor this year at AME Roundup in Vancouver, BC

Burgex Inc. is an Exhibitor this year at AME Roundup in Vancouver, BC We are excited to announce that Burgex Mining Consultants will be an exhibitor at the Association for Mineral Exploration Roundup 2020 Conference (AME Roundup) in Vancouver, British Columbia. We have attended the AME Roundup over the past couple of years and are looking forward to expanding our presence at the conference this year with a booth in

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Mojave Underground 2020 Abandoned Mine Calendars Available

Mojave Underground 2020 Abandoned Mine Calendars Available Mojave Underground 2020 Abandoned Mine Calendars are now available for purchase. Makes a great holiday gift! Each year, Mojave Underground produces a calendar of abandoned mine locations throughout the United States and the world. Photographs are submitted by photographers who explore abandoned mines and a dozen are selected to be featured in the calendar each year. For the last few years, Burgex has

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Burgex Inc. Recognized As One of the 10 Most Recognized Mining Service Providers of 2019

Burgex Inc. Recognized As One of the 10 Most Recognized Mining Service Providers of 2019 Burgex Inc. has been recognized by Insights Success Magazine as one of the Top 10 Most Recognized Mining Service Providers of 2019. This recognition  has been made on the cover of a May 2019 issue of the magazine and features a six page article in the magazine with pictures of the Burgex team in the

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Geophysical Exploration Methods

Geophysical Exploration Methods View and download the full resolution (24″X 15″) .PDF for printing here: What is geophysics? Geophysics is the physics of the Earth. Geophisical exploration is the (mostly) non-invasive investigation of subsurface conditions in the Earth through measuring, analyzing and interpreting physical fields at the surface. Some tools employed by geophysicists, such as core drilling, are also employed by geologists using different analytical tools and methodologies. What

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Mining Claim Research: The Best New Resource

Mining Claim Research: The Best New Resource The best resource for researching active lode and placer mining claims in the Western United States. Take your mining claim research to the next level! Burgex Inc. is a proud 2017 sponsor of Land Matters, the best new resource for mining claim research. As a mining consulting company that is significantly engaged in the location of lode and placer mining claims throughout the

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Sand and Gravel Operations Flowchart

Sand and Gravel Operations Flowchart Sand and gravel operations lay the foundation (literally) that world economies are built upon. Chances are, wherever you are, there is an active sand and gravel pit nearby. Sand and gravel products lay the groundwork for virtually all construction, landscaping, and transportation applications. Specialty sand and gravel products are also responsible for the production of silica (for glass and many other uses) and for products such

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Navigating Annual Claim Maintenance

Navigating Annual Claim Maintenance It’s almost September 1st again and time to make sure you have covered your annual claim maintenance requirements. Navigating the annual claim maintenance process can be a bit tricky. We have created this handy chart to help, we recommend printing it out for reference. To make things easier, we have also listed the basic claim maintenance process below. Do I qualify for a claim maintenance fee

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Burgex Attends the 2016 Responsible Extractives Summit in London

Burgex Attends the 2016 Responsible Extractives Summit in London The extractive industries have been undergoing a great deal of change over the past decade. Challenges from environmental regulations, an increasing demand from the public and investors to proactively implement corporate social responsibility and human rights programs, and difficulty finding and extracting easy commodity targets combined with price volatility have forced many in the industry to reconsider the way they have traditionally

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Placer Gold Districts of Arizona

Placer Gold Districts of Arizona The placer gold districts of Arizona have been in production on some level for over two centuries. The earliest placer gold districts of Arizona were discovered by the Native Americans, followed by the Spanish, who worked some of them on a small scale. The Quijotoa district was recorded as having been worked by Padre Lopez as early as 1774. The big production in the placer

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Placer Gold Districts of Nevada

Placer Gold Districts of Nevada Nevada is well known as the top U.S. producer of lode gold, but did you know Nevada also has placer gold deposits? Some of Nevada’s largest placer districts have produced hundreds of thousands of ounces of gold and silver, including some very large nuggets. In Osceola, one of the worlds largest gold nuggets, said to have weighed 23 pounds, was found using a pick and shovel.

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Staking Claims in Alaska: A Primer

Staking Claims in Alaska: A Primer Alaska: Big, beautiful, wild, and full of opportunities. The rugged expanse of Alaska has posed many challenges for its explorers and inhabitants over the centuries, and there is no doubt that it still poses these same challenges today. As with most things in life though, where you find great challenges you are also bound to find great opportunities. In this case, we are talking about

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Stake a claim: It’s your right!

Stake a claim: It’s your right! The West was built on the backs of prospectors and mules. These brave men, and even a few women, risked everything to scour the hills and streams of the Western U.S. in search of fortune. At the time, gold, silver, and copper rushes were the best opportunity to really make it big. A lucky handful did exactly that, while some carved out enough of a

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Staking Services are 20% Off!

Staking Services are 20% Off! For a limited time we are offering 20% off all landman and staking services on projects of 10 claims or more. Have you been waiting for a sign to stake those gold claims and get started on your mineral exploration project? Well, that time is here… It’s 2016! Oil prices have fallen, global markets are shaky, and the gold price is on the rise. To

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Who can stake a mine claim?

Who can stake a mine claim? Who can stake a mine claim in the United States? There are a few basic requirements that this poster neatly outlines. Who can own and stake a mine claim in the United States? The General Mining Act of 1872 lays down some clear outlines as to who is eligible to stake or locate a mine claim in the United States. While these rules are

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What are locatable minerals?

What are locatable minerals? What are locatable minerals? The General Mining Law of 1872, as amended, opened the public lands of the United States to mineral acquisition by the location and maintenance of lode and placer mining claims. Mineral deposits available for acquisition through this act are commonly called “locatable minerals.” These minerals include both metallic minerals (gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, nickel, etc.), nonmetallic minerals (fluorspar, mica, certain limestones and

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Nevada Mining District Database

Nevada Mining District Database As part of our ongoing effort to educate and empower our readers and clients we have presented a variety of new resources. Today we are happy to present one of the most powerful research tools that we often use when searching for Nevada mining information; The Nevada Mining District Database Files. The Nevada Mining District Database Files, compiled and digitized by the Nevada Bureau of Mines

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BLM Mining Claim Notice of Location Requirements

BLM Mining Claim Notice of Location Requirements Drafting a new notice/certificate of location (NOL/COL) for a lode or placer claim can be intimidating. Most of the information available online is scattered and can be confusing or over-technical. The BLM mining claim notice of location requirements listed below were taken directly from the BLM Handbook (Rel 3-354: 10/15/2015). You can use these requirements with confidence knowing that they are from the

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Mineral Exploration and GIS

Mineral Exploration and GIS The two components of a binary explosive are generally very safe when they stand alone, but when they are combined, they create a powerful explosive that can be used to move mountains. The world is full of powerful combinations like this. One of these, is the combination of GIS when applied to the field of mineral exploration. While GIS isn’t actually explosive or dangerous to handle,

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The United States of Industrial Minerals: Map

The United States of Industrial Minerals: Map The United States of Industrial Minerals It takes a lot of industrial minerals to keep the world economy rolling along. Hundreds of millions of tons of these quarrying and mining products are consumed every year across the globe. Industrial minerals are an often overlooked and less glamorous component of the mining world, but they are critical for the function of our modern economy. While

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Finding Prospects: U.S. Import Reliance Minerals

Finding Prospects: U.S. Import Reliance Minerals In response to the mining project development flowchart that we recently posted we have received many excellent comments. A few of these comments indicated that developing a more complex flowchart may be in order for the future. In the mean time, we have decided to expand upon some of these comments with additional articles and ideas as they open up new topics for consideration. One

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A New Sand Frontier: Western Sands Utah

A New Sand Frontier: Western Sands Utah This article was written by Jen Casebier from Down Hole Trader. Burgex Inc. has been a primary consultant to Western Sands, LLC and provides claim staking services, preliminary sampling, and testing services. Although we have been in a long stretch of lower oil prices, mergers, and company closures, someday sand demand will rise again.   The number of remaining projects that exist today could potentially fall

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Finding Federal Land Open for Prospecting

Finding Federal Land Open for Prospecting Whether you are looking for marble, industrial minerals, or precious metals, the process is the same. Finding federal land open for prospecting is a simple research process, but it is one that is critical for the success of your exploration project. Once you have picked a commodity and narrowed down a region where you would like to start prospecting, you will follow these next steps

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Mining Project Development Flowchart

Mining Project Development Flowchart The process of mining project development can be complex. It can be confusing when viewed through the eyes of an outsider or  beginner to the industry. We created this flowchart with the goal of helping those who would like to get a better understanding of the mining process. It covers the major steps from taking a project from preliminary sampling and exploration all the way through

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Money On Monday: The State of Mineral Exploration Financing

Money On Monday: The State of Mineral Exploration Financing Lets talk about one of my favorite subjects, mineral exploration financing! The other day I was speaking with a colleague of ours, a consulting geologist, over dinner. We were both in Nevada wrapping up an underground sampling program and having a candid conversation about the current state of financing for mineral exploration and mining projects. He said something that really rang

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MineFly: Aerial Mapping & Contour Product Services from EnviroMine Inc.

MineFly: Aerial Mapping & Contour Product Services from EnviroMine Inc. Aerial Mapping & Contour Product Services MineFLY™ is a suite of products developed through the use of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone. The available suite of products include high quality, low cost: High Resolution Aerial Photos Digital Orthophotography Contour Product Deliverables Stockpile Volume Inventories Mineral Reserve Estimates Reclamation Grading Conformance Example of Contours. Because UAVs

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Pilot Gold: Exploration Rockstars

Pilot Gold: Exploration Rockstars Please pardon my pun in the title, but Pilot Gold ready does rock the rocks. I have been following Pilot for several years now and have consistently been impressed by their work. Not only does Pilot have a phenomenal track record, but potentially more impressive is the fact that they are currently drilling and involved in other serious exploration while most of the market sits idle.

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Why Share free mining information?

Why Share free mining information? Are we crazy to give out this free mining information? When we started building this blog and, more specifically, our section on Mining Resources and Articles I had to ask myself, why share all this free mining information?  Aren’t we essentially shooting ourselves in the foot by providing free tips and tricks that we have spent years learning the hard way to potential competition in the industry? At

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New Mine Sampling and Staking Photos

New Mine Sampling and Staking Photos You may have noticed that the Burgex website has been spiced up with some new professional photographs. Last weekend Crystal Burgess and Stuart Burgess teamed up with photographer Mike Capps  to shoot claim staking and underground mine surveying and sampling photos for the company to use on this website. These photos will also be used on the Burgex Facebook page and on Google +

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The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Picking an Assay Lab

The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Picking an Assay Lab We try to use local small businesses as much as possible for our supplies and services. This is part of the core fundamentals that make up our thinking, we started out as a small local business and like to give back in the form of providing others with our business in turn. We support many local business from our accounting

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Dangerous Data: The Value of Abandoned Mines

Dangerous Data: The Value of Abandoned Mines Abandoned mines are often demonized, sometimes rightly so, for their numerous dangers. From false floors and falling rock to rattlesnakes and unused blasting caps underfoot, there are a lot of reasons to stay out of them unless you have experience and proper equipment at your side. So with all of these dangers, why would you choose to send a team into an abandoned mine?

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Mining Due Diligence: Reducing Risk as an Investor

Mining Due Diligence: Reducing Risk as an Investor Mineral exploration is an investment, and like any investment, due diligence is the key to reducing risk. With so much hype and focus on potential returns in the millions or even billions of dollars it is easy for investors and potential investors to lose their grip on reality and the basic economics that are a driving force behind any mining project. There

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Nevada Mining Claims: Infographic

Nevada Mining Claims: Infographic Did you know that more than half of all of the mining claims in the United States are located in Nevada? Not only are the most claims located in Nevada, but it is also where the most exploration and mining notices and plans are filed. Here are some other amazing facts about mining in Nevada: If Nevada were its own country, it would rank #4 in

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The Importance of Properly Staking Mining Claims

The Importance of Properly Staking Mining Claims The Western United States may be one of the last places in the world where claims are physically staked on the ground by common citizens and multi-national mining corporations alike.  We get a lot of questions from people in the mining industry. These people range from individual prospectors all the way up to executives from international mining conglomerates. Their questions are wide and

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The Rise of Frac Sand and Mineral Exploration

The Rise of Frac Sand and Mineral Exploration The economic tremors of the U.S. shale boom have given a boost to mining and exploration for a few different minerals. Drilling grade barite and bentonite prices have been rising, but there is another commodity that has seen a massive rise in demand, pricing, and new mine development: FRAC SAND. What is frac sand? Simply put, it is composed of well-rounded grains of silica that

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Mineral Exploration News

Mineral Exploration News Burgex Inc. is pleased to announce that we are launching a new section on our website dedicated to the latest news about mineral exploration and mining consulting. In this section we will cover cutting edge exploration technologies and techniques as well as cover some of the currently projects and announcements from the company.  We aim to provide regular updates and information that you will find interesting. The

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