As part of our ongoing effort to educate and empower our readers and clients we have presented a variety of new resources. Today we are happy to present one of the most powerful research tools that we often use when searching for Nevada mining information; The Nevada Mining District Database Files.

The Nevada Mining District Database Files, compiled and digitized by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) at the University of Nevada in Reno, consists of thousands of historical and current maps, reports, articles, photographs, correspondence, assays, production reports, and reserve information on all aspects of mining in Nevada. These files and documents have largely been donated to the NBMG over the years from individuals, companies, and other government agencies.
This powerful database of Nevada mining information is presented in a way that is both user friendly and flexible. The enhanced search widget, pictured below, allows you to search the extensive database by mining district, county, document title, document author, document data, PMC name, and commodity.

Once you have typed information into one of the fields in the search widget and performed a search, the map will update by highlighting the districts and occurrences that match your query. In addition to the updates on the map, a list of matching documents will display at the bottom of the screen. These documents can then be viewed and downloaded.

Try out the Nevada Mining District Database Files tool for yourself here.
Our only complaint with this powerful database is the fact that similar research tools and databases haven’t been created for the rest of the Western States yet. We would love to see other states create their own versions of the Nevada Mining District Database Files.