Jul 30, 2016 | Mining Resources|News
Christian Malanga, president of the United Congolese Party and a candidate for DRC presidency, speaks at the 2016 Responsible Extractives Summit about the needs of addressing the impact and effects of artisanal small mining in the Democratic Republic Of Congo. The...
Nov 24, 2015 | Mining Resources|News
We try to use local small businesses as much as possible for our supplies and services. This is part of the core fundamentals that make up our thinking, we started out as a small local business and like to give back in the form of providing others with our business in...
Nov 23, 2015 | Mining Resources|News
Dangerous Data: The Value of Abandoned Mines Abandoned mines are often demonized, sometimes rightly so, for their numerous dangers. From false floors and falling rock to rattlesnakes and unused blasting caps underfoot, there are a lot of reasons to stay out of...