Oct 8, 2021 | Mine Planning, Mining Resources|News
Improving Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration is far from easy, in fact, it is probably one of the hardest segments of the mining industry to participate in. The success rates are low, so low in fact, that for some mineral commodities (like gold) it is estimated...
Sep 27, 2021 | Mine Planning, Mining Resources|News
Mineral exploration is an essential tool to discover deposits of minerals and rocks useful to meet society’s growing resource needs. This process works by extracting geological information from regionally and locally and using it over a targeted area to create a...
Sep 23, 2021 | Mine Planning, Mining Resources|News
Consider the last time you were at a dinner party, a fancy restaurant, or in a swanky, downtown hotel lobby. You may remember the conversation, the beverages, or the meal, or possibly the golden ding of the receptionist bell. Perhaps you even noticed the highly...
Sep 21, 2021 | Mine Consulting, Mining Resources|News
The Burgex Mining Consultants team is pleased to announce that the 2021 MINExpo in Las Vegas, Nevada was a success. The show was less attended than usual due to international COVID travel restrictions. However, we found the connections and conversations to be...
Aug 30, 2021 | Mine Consulting, Mine Planning
Today I had an appraiser come to my house to take pictures and measurements. His appraisal will be relied upon by the mortgage company when they underwrite my refinance. This appraisal is important to the mortgage company. It gives them confidence that the value of my...