Jul 6, 2020 | Mining Resources|News
Burgex Inc. is pleased to announce that we offer in-house mining engineering services! Utilizing the latest in mine engineering software and technology, including UAV use for data collection, the Burgex Engineering and Consulting team is well suited for taking on a...
Jul 2, 2017 | Mine Planning, Mine Valuation, Mining Resources|News
Geophysical exploration methods are employed throughout the mineral exploration field to identify ore bodies and geologic features. Some of these methods include: core drilling, seismic, magnetic techniques, electrical techniques, and remote sensing methods. Download...
Jan 11, 2017 | Claim Staking, Mining Resources|News
The best resource for researching active lode and placer mining claims in the Western United States. Take your mining claim research to the next level! Burgex Inc. is a proud 2017 sponsor of Land Matters, the best new resource for mining claim research.As a mining...
Jan 2, 2017 | Mining Resources|News
A typical sand and gravel processing operations flowchart. Many sand and gravel operations around the world follow this format, but it will vary depending on the feed stock and desired end products generated. While sand and gravel aggregates are often overlooked they...
Jul 30, 2016 | Mining Resources|News
Christian Malanga, president of the United Congolese Party and a candidate for DRC presidency, speaks at the 2016 Responsible Extractives Summit about the needs of addressing the impact and effects of artisanal small mining in the Democratic Republic Of Congo. The...