Discover how to stake a mining claim for construction aggregates under the General Mining Law of 1872. Learn the key differences between locatable and salable minerals and how uncommon variety minerals offer exclusive mining rights on public lands.
Mining Resources|News
Exploration is a Wicked Mistress: A Light-Hearted Look at Mineral Exploration in the United States
By Stuart Burgess Mineral exploration, it's been said, is a lot like dating....
Digging Up the Past, Reprocessing Mine Tailings
By: Bianca Gallina, Staff Geologist With a growing global population, the...
Pioneering a Sustainable Future: My Personal Journey and Vision for Burgex Mining Consultants
Introduction The pursuit of a sustainable future has been a lifelong passion...
Buzzwords of the Mining Industry, A Note From Our Senior Geologist, James Balagna
Buzzwords, talking points, and catchphrases have invaded the mineral...
The Burgex Team Wraps up Another Successful AME Roundup
The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) held its annual Roundup...
Revolutionizing the Mining Industry: How AI is Transforming Exploration, Operations, and Reclamation
By: Stuart Burgess Today I virtually sat down with one of the leading...
Maximizing Success with Critical Minerals: A Guide for Mineral Exploration Companies
The increasing demand for critical minerals and minerals used for...
Using Mineralocity Aggregates to Address NIMBY Concerns: Parleys Canyon, Utah
BY: STUART BURGESS Last week I had lunch with an individual who is involved in...
5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration
5 Things to Keep in Mind About Mineral Exploration Mineral exploration is an...