Jul 20, 2024 | Claim Staking, Claim Staking Selected
What are Federal Mining Claims? Federal mining claims are parcels of land on federal land, where an individual or entity has declared the right to extract valuable minerals. These claims are regulated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and are subject to federal...
Dec 4, 2023 | Exploration, Exploration Claim Staking
Below is a quick outline of what happens when you trust Burgex to stake your mining claims, along with answers to some common questions we get regarding the staking & filing process and their timelines. Q: When will you start my project? A: Once we have received...
May 26, 2023 | Claim Staking
Claim Guard, an exclusive service provided by Burgex, was developed in response to the growing need of clients to protect their mining assets. But what exactly is Claim Guard? It is a comprehensive mining claim renewal process that takes care of all the necessary...
Dec 27, 2021 | Mine Consulting, Mine Planning
The Four Critical Steps of Mining Consultants Mining remains a mystery for many people due to an understandable lack of awareness about how much society’s structure results from successful mining. When you decide to start a mining project, it will initially seem...